Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy +1-877-419 - 4448

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Under certain circumstances, passengers may change the name on their ticket according to Avianca Airlines name change policy. Typo repairs and other minor adjustments are usually free of charge, but larger modifications could have extra costs. To prevent issues, it's critical to subm


When booking a flight with Avianca Airlines, it’s crucial to ensure that all personal details, including your name, are correctly entered. However, mistakes can happen, and understanding Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy is essential for making any necessary corrections. This article will explore the Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy in detail, including rules, fees, and required documentation, and provide answers to frequently asked questions.

 Understanding Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy

The Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy outlines the procedures and conditions under which you can modify your name on a booked ticket. This policy is designed to address situations where there are errors in the name or when a passenger’s name needs to be changed due to personal circumstances. Whether you need a minor correction or a significant change, knowing the rules can save you time and money.

Avianca Airlines Name Correction

Under the Avianca Airlines Name Correction guidelines, minor changes such as fixing typographical errors or adjusting names due to accents or diacritical marks are typically permitted. These corrections usually involve a straightforward process and may not incur substantial fees. However, it is important to request these changes as soon as you notice the error to ensure smooth processing.

 Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Rules and Regulation

The Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Rules and Regulation dictate the terms and conditions under which you can request a name change. Here are some key aspects:

1. Eligibility for Changes: Changes are usually allowed if the name on the ticket does not match the name on the passport or identification used for travel. Significant changes, such as a complete name change, may be subject to additional scrutiny.

  2. Timeframe for Requests: Requests for name changes should be made as early as possible. Avianca Airlines typically requires that changes be requested well in advance of the flight departure to ensure that the new details are processed correctly.

3. Type of Changes Allowed: Minor corrections are usually allowed without much hassle. Significant changes, such as those resulting from a legal name change or marriage, may require more extensive documentation.

 Avianca Airlines Name Correction Fees

While minor corrections might not involve substantial costs, more significant changes could incur Avianca Airlines Name Correction fees. The exact fee structure can vary based on the nature of the change and the fare rules associated with your ticket. It is advisable to check the specific fee details on Avianca’s website or contact customer service for the most accurate information.

Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Documentation

When requesting a name change, you may need to provide certain documentation. The Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Documentation typically includes:

1. Proof of Identity: A valid government-issued ID or passport showing the correct name.

2. Supporting Documents: Depending on the reason for the change, additional documents like marriage certificates, divorce decrees, or legal name change certificates might be required.

3. Ticket Information: Details of your booking, including your ticket number and flight details, to facilitate the change process.

Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Procedure

To request a name change, follow these steps:

1. Contact Customer Service: Reach out to Avianca’s customer service team via phone or online chat to initiate the request.

2. Provide Documentation: Submit any required documentation as specified by the Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Documentation.

3. Pay Fees: If applicable, pay any fees associated with the name change according to the Avianca Airlines Name Correction fees.

4. Confirmation: Once the change is processed, you will receive confirmation of the updated details.

 FAQs about Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy

1. How do I know if my name correction falls under Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy?

Minor corrections like fixing typos or adjusting accents usually fall under the Avianca Airlines Name Correction guidelines. For significant changes, such as a complete name change, you’ll need to follow the Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy rules and regulation, which might require additional documentation.

2. Are there any fees for changing my name on an Avianca flight?

There could be fees associated with changing your name, depending on the type of change. Avianca Airlines Name Correction fees apply for significant changes, so it’s best to check with Avianca’s customer service for precise information related to your situation.

3. How soon should I request a name change with Avianca Airlines?

It’s advisable to request a name change as soon as you notice an error or need to make a change. Avianca Airlines typically requires that these requests be made well in advance of your flight to ensure all details are updated correctly.

4. What documents are required for a name change?

You will likely need to provide proof of identity and any supporting documents related to the name change. This might include a valid ID, passport, and potentially legal documents like marriage certificates or court orders, as outlined in the Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy Documentation.

5. Can I change my name online through Avianca's website?

For minor corrections, you may be able to make changes online through Avianca’s website. However, for more significant changes or if online options are unavailable, contacting Avianca’s customer service directly is the recommended approach.


Understanding the Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy is essential for a smooth travel experience. By adhering to the Avianca Airlines Name Change Policy rules and regulation, being aware of potential fees, and preparing the necessary documentation, you can manage name corrections and changes efficiently. Always make sure to address any discrepancies as soon as possible to avoid complications and ensure that your travel plans go off without a hitch.
