Managed Print Services: Transforming Business Printing For An Efficient Workflow

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Managed Print Services (MPS) is a business model focusing on printing and related costs within an organization where a third-party vendor manages and optimizes printing infrastructure and services

Analyzing Printing Needs and Environment

The first step for an MPS provider is a comprehensive assessment and analysis of a client's printing needs, spend, infrastructure and workflows. They will conduct interviews, review vendor contracts and invoices, collect sample documents and analyze usage logs. This assessment creates a benchmark to identify areas of waste, inefficiency or excessive spending. It also evaluates budget allocation, security practices, environmental impacts and user experiences. Goals are set based on the client's operations, culture as well as cost optimization targets, sustainability objectives and workflow enhancement requirements.

Optimizing Devices and Settings

Armed with insights from assessments, the Managed Print Services provider takes steps to right-size the client's fleet through a combination of consolidation and standardization. Older devices may be replaced or redeployed based on actual use levels. Default settings are optimized across the board for duplex printing, resolutions and greyscale conversion where applicable. Secure printing, login requirements and quotas are enabled to promote responsibility. Custom settings and drivers are deployed for specialized needs and applications. With devices optimized appropriately, up to 30% savings on consumables are achieved on average.

Implementing Workflow Solutions

Based on assessment findings, the MPS partner works with clients to implement workflow automation solutions that align with their specific processes. For example, scanning solutions linked to centralized repositories eliminate manual filing and capture paper documents into digital workflows. Analytics tools bring visibility into print volumes by user, department or project to encourage judicious usage. Follow-You printing releases jobs only when users authenticate at selected devices to protect sensitive documents. Over time, deep process improvements are unlocked as well through these solutions.

Managed Print Services Overhead

With optimized fleets, settings and workflows in place, the MPS provider takes full responsibility for managing and maintaining the printing infrastructure. This includes helpdesk support for all devices, supplies procurement based on usage patterns, proactive monitoring to avoid downtime, regular audits and reports on spending and sustainability goals. Multi-year contracts provide clients predictable monthly or quarterly billing with no large upfront costs. Services are tailored to business objectives like reducing page volumes by 15% annually. This full-service model removes overhead and frees up in-house resources for core tasks.

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