Knee Pain Treatment in Dubai

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Discover effective Knee Pain Treatment in Dubai at 22ayur. Our specialized Ayurvedic therapies offer natural relief from knee pain, promoting healing and improved mobility. Our experienced practitioners use personalized treatments tailored to your specific needs, combining traditional tech

Understanding Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common issue affecting people of all ages. It can result from injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions. The knee is a complex joint, and pain in this area can disrupt your mobility and overall quality of life. Knee Pain Treatment in Dubai

Causes of Knee Pain

Knee pain can arise from various causes:

  • Injuries: Ligament tears, fractures, and dislocations.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.
  • Overuse: Tendinitis, bursitis, and muscle strain.
  • Obesity: Excess weight putting strain on the knee joints.

Identifying the cause is crucial for effective treatment.

Symptoms of Knee Pain

Common symptoms associated with knee pain include:

  • Swelling and Stiffness: Often accompanying injury or inflammation.
  • Redness and Warmth: Signs of infection or inflammation.
  • Weakness or Instability: Difficulty in bearing weight or walking.
  • Crunching or Popping Noises: Indicative of cartilage damage or ligament issues.

Ayurvedic Approach to Knee Pain

Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to knee pain by addressing the root cause and promoting overall health. At 22ayur, we use natural therapies and personalized treatments to alleviate pain and enhance mobility. Our approach includes: Knee Pain Treatment in Dubai

  • Herbal Medicines: To reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Panchakarma: Detoxification therapies to cleanse and rejuvenate the body.
  • Abhyanga: Therapeutic oil massage to improve circulation and flexibility.

Types of Treatments at 22ayur


A soothing full-body massage with medicated oils to relieve pain and improve joint function.

Janu Basti

A specialized treatment where warm herbal oil is retained over the knee joint, providing deep nourishment and relief from pain.


A combination of oil massage and heat therapy, enhancing circulation and reducing stiffness in the knee.

Kati Basti

A therapy focusing on the lower back and knees, using warm oil to alleviate pain and improve mobility.

Herbal Remedies for Knee Pain

Ayurveda relies on natural herbs to treat knee pain effectively. Some key herbs used at 22ayur include:

  • Ashwagandha: Reduces inflammation and strengthens muscles.
  • Turmeric: Contains curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Shallaki (Boswellia): Alleviates pain and improves joint function.
  • Ginger: Enhances circulation and reduces pain.

Physical Therapy and Exercises

At 22ayur, we incorporate physical therapy and specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee, improving stability and function. Our therapists design personalized exercise plans to suit your individual needs, helping you regain strength and mobility.

Diet and Lifestyle Modifications

A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are integral to managing knee pain. At 22ayur, we guide you on dietary changes and lifestyle modifications to support your treatment. This includes:

  • Anti-inflammatory Diet: Rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight to reduce strain on the knees.
  • Regular Exercise: Low-impact activities like swimming and cycling to keep joints flexible.

Success Stories

Here’s what some of our clients have experienced:

  • Aisha M.: "22ayur's treatments have transformed my life. I can walk without pain again!"
  • John D.: "The personalized care at 22ayur helped me recover from a knee injury quickly and effectively."
  • Sara K.: "Their holistic approach to knee pain is unmatched. Highly recommend 22ayur."

Booking Your Treatment

Ready to start your journey to pain-free living? Booking your knee pain treatment at 22ayur is simple. Visit our website or call us to schedule your appointment. Our friendly staff is here to assist you in finding the best treatment plan for your needs.


What is the primary cause of knee pain? Knee pain can result from injuries, arthritis, overuse, and obesity. Identifying the cause is essential for effective treatment.

How does Ayurveda treat knee pain? Ayurveda treats knee pain through natural therapies, including herbal medicines, massage, and detoxification techniques, addressing the root cause of the pain.

Is Ayurvedic treatment safe for knee pain? Yes, Ayurvedic treatments are safe and use natural remedies to alleviate knee pain without harmful side effects.

How long does it take to see results from Ayurvedic treatment? The time frame for results varies depending on the individual and the severity of the pain. Many clients experience relief within a few weeks of consistent treatment.

Why choose 22ayur for knee pain treatment in Dubai? 22ayur offers experienced therapists, personalized care, and a holistic approach to effectively treat knee pain, ensuring long-lasting relief and improved mobility.


Knee Pain Treatment in Dubai - 22ayur provides a holistic and effective solution to knee pain. Our Ayurvedic treatments target the root cause, offering you relief and improved quality of life. Whether you suffer from chronic pain or a recent injury, 22ayur is here to help you every step of the way. Book your treatment today and take the first step towards a pain-free life
