What is blockchain?

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In social media, blockchain is revolutionizing the world through Web3 social media and decentralized social media. These new forms of social media also referred to as Socialfi networks leverage blockchain technology to offer enhanced and more secure social media platforms.

Blockchain is a new type of database system. It allows the sharing of information in a business setting. Normal databases can change or delete data. That is why blockchain data is stored in connected blocks. It keeps the data unchanged. Nobody can delete blockchain data without the agreement of the whole network.

It makes the blockchain an unchangeable record. It helps record transactions like orders, payments, and accounts. Traditional financial transactions have issues. They need a third party to confirm a transaction. As for a property sale, the buyer and seller need an intermediary.

It adds transaction costs and creates a single point of failure. Through Blockchain, you can remove the need for any leading central authority. It makes transactions faster and cheaper. It also makes the system more secure since no single point can fail.

Blockchain technology solves all these problems by decentralizing and verifying transactions. In a blockchain, the ledgers of both transacting parties are held and updated in real time. Any attempt to alter past transactions will disrupt the complete ledger since consensus confirms them. This decentralized system enhances security and trust while eliminating the need for intermediaries.

Applications of Blockchain in Various Industries


Blockchain enables buyers and sellers of energy to conduct business with each other. For example, one's who have installed solar panels in their homes can sell excess energy to others. Smart meters capture these transactions, thus promoting proper and fair trade in energy.


Banks use blockchain for online trading marketplaces, accounts, and payments. For e.g., the Singapore Exchange uses blockchain technology for faster interbank payments. It does this by removing the need for batch processing and manual checks.
