Celebrating Independence: Top 10 Female Solo Travel Bloggers in India

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Solo travel can be a transformative experience, and for women in India, it comes with its unique set of challenges and triumphs.

Solo travel can be a transformative experience, and for women in India, it comes with its unique set of challenges and triumphs. Over the past decade, several fearless female travelers have taken the plunge, exploring new destinations, sharing their stories, and inspiring countless others to do the same. These trailblazers not only provide invaluable travel tips but also break societal norms, proving that the world is theirs to explore. Let’s delve into the world of the Top 10 Female Solo Travel Bloggers in India, who have redefined travel for women.

Why Follow Female Solo Travel Bloggers?

Encouragement and Motivation

Female solo travel bloggers provide a source of inspiration and motivation. Their stories often resonate deeply with other women who dream of traveling but are held back by fear or societal expectations. Through their experiences, they show that it’s possible to conquer these barriers and embark on incredible journeys.

Safety Tips and Advice

Traveling solo as a woman can be daunting, but these bloggers share practical safety tips and advice based on their own experiences. From choosing safe accommodations to navigating new cities confidently, their insights are invaluable for any solo traveler.

Cultural Insights and Local Experiences

These bloggers immerse themselves in the local culture, providing readers with authentic insights and experiences. They often venture off the beaten path, discovering hidden gems and sharing these unique finds with their audience.

Criteria for Selecting Top Female Solo Travel Bloggers

Content Quality and Originality

The bloggers on this list are recognized for their high-quality, original content. Their posts are engaging, informative, and often beautifully illustrated with stunning photography.

Social Media Presence and Engagement

A strong social media presence and active engagement with followers are crucial. These bloggers not only share their journeys on their blogs but also connect with their audience through platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Variety of Travel Experiences

The diversity of travel experiences is another key factor. Whether it’s trekking in the Himalayas, exploring urban landscapes, or relaxing on a beach, these bloggers have a wide range of experiences that cater to different interests.

Top 10 Female Solo Travel Bloggers in India

1. Shivya Nath


Shivya Nath is a trailblazer in the world of solo travel. She quit her corporate job at 23 to travel the world and hasn’t looked back since.

Key Travels and Adventures

Shivya has explored over 50 countries, with a strong focus on sustainable and immersive travel experiences. Her adventures range from hiking in the Swiss Alps to living with indigenous tribes in the Amazon.

Unique Selling Points

Shivya’s blog, "The Shooting Star," is a treasure trove of sustainable travel tips and offbeat destinations. Her writing is engaging, reflective, and deeply personal, inspiring many to travel mindfully.

2. Lakshmi Sharath


Lakshmi Sharath is a multi-faceted travel blogger, photographer, and media professional. With over 15 years of travel experience, she has a wealth of stories to share.

Key Travels and Adventures

Lakshmi’s travels span across continents, from the ancient temples of Cambodia to the vibrant streets of Cuba. She has a knack for discovering and documenting lesser-known destinations.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "Lakshmi Sharath," is known for its detailed travel guides and stunning photography. Lakshmi’s storytelling ability brings places to life, making her blog a must-read for travel enthusiasts.

3. Mridula Dwivedi


Mridula Dwivedi is an academic-turned-travel blogger who has been exploring the world for over a decade. Her transition from academia to travel blogging is as inspiring as her journeys.

Key Travels and Adventures

Mridula has visited numerous countries, with a special love for the Himalayas. Her adventures include everything from trekking to exploring bustling cities.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "Travel Tales from India and Abroad," offers a mix of travel stories, tips, and personal anecdotes. Mridula’s honest and down-to-earth style makes her blog relatable and engaging.

4. Neelima Vallangi


Neelima Vallangi is a travel writer and photographer who has a passion for the great outdoors and adventure travel.

Key Travels and Adventures

Neelima’s travels are filled with thrilling adventures, from trekking in the remote regions of the Himalayas to exploring the rugged landscapes of Iceland.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "The Wandering Soul’s Wander Tales," is rich with stunning visuals and detailed travel narratives. Neelima’s focus on adventure and nature makes her blog a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts.

5. Ankita Kumar


Ankita Kumar, also known as "Monkey Inc," is a quirky and adventurous travel blogger with a penchant for unique and offbeat destinations.

Key Travels and Adventures

Ankita’s travel stories range from the colorful streets of Mexico to the serene beaches of the Philippines. She often chooses destinations that are less frequented by tourists.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "Anki on the Move," stands out for its vibrant and fun storytelling style. Ankita’s ability to find joy in the most unexpected places is infectious, making her blog a delightful read.

6. Preethi Parthasarathy


Preethi Parthasarathy is a solo traveler who left her corporate job to pursue her passion for exploring the world.

Key Travels and Adventures

Preethi’s journeys have taken her across various landscapes, from the deserts of Jordan to the fjords of Norway. She enjoys delving into the history and culture of the places she visits.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "Peppy Travel Girl," is a mix of travel guides, personal stories, and practical tips. Preethi’s cheerful and positive outlook shines through her writing, inspiring many to follow their travel dreams.

7. Soumya Nambiar


Soumya Nambiar is an engineer by profession and a traveler by passion. Her blog is a reflection of her love for exploring new places and cultures.

Key Travels and Adventures

Soumya has traveled extensively within India and internationally, covering destinations from the serene backwaters of Kerala to the historic sites of Europe.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "Travel, Books And Food," combines her love for travel, literature, and culinary experiences. Soumya’s detailed itineraries and food recommendations make her blog a comprehensive travel resource.

8. Raksha Rao


Raksha Rao is an avid traveler who seeks out adventures and cultural experiences in every corner of the world.

Key Travels and Adventures

Raksha’s travel portfolio includes a mix of solo trips and group adventures, from exploring ancient ruins in Turkey to hiking trails in New Zealand.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "The Roving Heart," features beautiful photography and engaging travel tales. Raksha’s focus on cultural immersion and adventure makes her blog captivating and informative.

9. Anuradha Goyal


Anuradha Goyal is a prolific writer and traveler with a deep interest in the cultural and historical aspects of travel.

Key Travels and Adventures

Anuradha’s travels are rich in cultural exploration, from the temples of South India to the ancient sites of Egypt. She often delves into the stories behind the places she visits.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "IndiTales," offers a wealth of knowledge on historical and cultural destinations. Anuradha’s insightful and well-researched articles make her blog a valuable resource for cultural travelers.

10. Amrita Das


Amrita Das is a passionate solo traveler and storyteller who left her corporate job to travel full-time.

Key Travels and Adventures

Amrita has explored diverse destinations, from the beaches of Bali to the mountains of Nepal. Her travels are characterized by a deep connection with the places and people she encounters.

Unique Selling Points

Her blog, "Travelling Ides of March," is known for its heartfelt narratives and stunning photography. Amrita’s emphasis on meaningful travel experiences makes her blog both inspiring and thought-provoking.

Common Themes and Inspirations

Adventure and Offbeat Destinations

Many of these bloggers are drawn to adventure and offbeat destinations, showcasing the beauty of less-traveled paths. Their stories encourage others to step out of their comfort zones and seek unique experiences.

Cultural Immersion

Cultural immersion is a recurring theme among these bloggers. They prioritize connecting with local communities, understanding traditions, and experiencing the essence of the places they visit.

Sustainable and Responsible Travel

Sustainable and responsible travel is a significant focus. These bloggers advocate for eco-friendly practices, respect for local cultures, and mindful travel habits, promoting a positive impact on the destinations they explore.

Impact on the Travel Community

Breaking Stereotypes

These female travel bloggers play a crucial role in breaking stereotypes about solo female travelers. They challenge the notion that traveling alone is unsafe or unsuitable for women, proving that it can be empowering and enriching.

Creating a Supportive Community

By sharing their stories, these bloggers create a supportive community for solo female travelers. They offer advice, encouragement, and a sense of camaraderie, helping others feel confident in their travel endeavors.

Encouraging Other Women to Travel Solo

Their journeys inspire countless other women to embark on solo adventures. By showcasing the rewards of solo travel, they encourage more women to explore the world independently.


The top 10 female solo travel bloggers in India are not just travelers; they are storytellers, adventurers, and influencers who inspire others to see the world through a different lens. Their blogs are filled with captivating stories, practical tips, and beautiful photography that motivate and guide aspiring solo travelers. Through their journeys, they break barriers, build communities, and promote a culture of exploration and empowerment.


Why is solo travel important for women?

Solo travel empowers women by fostering independence, confidence, and self-discovery. It allows women to explore the world on their terms, overcome challenges, and gain new perspectives.

How do these bloggers ensure their safety while traveling?

These bloggers emphasize safety by sharing tips on choosing secure accommodations, being aware of their surroundings, and staying connected with loved ones. They also research their destinations thoroughly and trust their instincts.

Can solo travel be affordable?

Yes, solo travel can be affordable with careful planning and budgeting. Many bloggers share cost-saving tips, such as traveling during off-peak seasons, using budget accommodations, and utilizing local transportation.

What are some tips for first-time solo female travelers?

First-time solo female travelers should start with well-known and safe destinations, plan their itineraries in advance, stay connected with family and friends, and trust their instincts. Joining online travel communities for advice and support can also be helpful.

How can I start my own travel blog?

To start a travel blog, choose a unique name, create a user-friendly website, and begin sharing your travel stories and tips. Focus on producing high-quality, original content and engage with your audience through social media. Consistency and authenticity are key to building a successful travel blog.
