Calcutta Stock Exchange Share Price: Current & Historical Data

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This article by UnlistedZone aims to bridge that gap by providing you with comprehensive information on the Calcutta Stock Exchange Share Price. We'll delve into current prices, historical trends (year-to-date), and factors influencing the share price movement.

The Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE), a prominent name in India's financial history, offers a unique investment opportunity through its unlisted shares. Unlike shares traded on national exchanges like BSE and NSE, CSE's share price isn't readily available on mainstream financial platforms. This can be a hurdle for potential investors seeking transparency and data to make informed decisions.

Current Calcutta Stock Exchange Share Price (as of June 1, 2024)

Obtaining the most recent Calcutta Stock Exchange share price requires consulting reliable sources specializing in unlisted shares. Platforms like UnlistedZone offer valuable insights into this market. According to our data, the current unlisted share price of the Calcutta Stock Exchange is approximately ₹919 (Nine Hundred Nineteen Rupees). It's important to remember that unlisted share prices can fluctuate throughout the day, so this should be considered an indicative value.

Historical Trends: Year-to-Date Analysis (2024)

While the Calcutta Stock Exchange doesn't have a publicly traded history like companies on national exchanges, tracking its unlisted share price movement over the past year can provide valuable perspective. Here's a breakdown of the year-to-date trends (as of June 1, 2024):

  • January 2024: Information suggests the share price hovered around ₹850-₹870.
  • February-March 2024: The price range remained relatively stable, with minor fluctuations between ₹840-₹880.
  • April 2024: A slight increase was observed, with the share price reaching ₹900 by the end of the month.
  • May 2024: The positive trend continued, with the price climbing to approximately ₹925 in the latter part of the month.
  • June 2024 (as of June 1): The current price sits at ₹919.

Factors Affecting Calcutta Stock Exchange Share Price

Several factors influence the unlisted share price of the Calcutta Stock Exchange. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for investors to make informed decisions.

  • Overall Market Performance: The broader Indian stock market sentiment can impact the price of CSE shares. A bullish market can lead to increased investor interest in unlisted shares, pushing the price upwards. Conversely, a bearish market might cause a decline in price.
  • Financial Health of the Exchange: The Calcutta Stock Exchange's financial performance significantly affects its share price. Positive developments, such as increased trading volume or strategic partnerships, can boost investor confidence and raise the share price.
  • Investor Demand and Supply: The basic principles of supply and demand play a vital role. If there's a surge in investor interest and demand for CSE shares outpaces available supply, the price tends to rise. Conversely, limited demand with a higher supply of shares can lead to a price decrease.
  • Government Regulations: Regulatory changes or policies impacting the stock market ecosystem can indirectly affect the Calcutta Stock Exchange share price.

Benefits of Tracking Calcutta Stock Exchange Share Price

Staying informed about the Calcutta Stock Exchange share price offers several advantages for investors:

  • Informed Investment Decisions: By monitoring price trends, you can gain valuable insights to make well-considered investment choices. Historical data can help identify potential entry and exit points, while current price information allows you to gauge the market sentiment.
  • Investment Opportunity Evaluation: Tracking the share price allows you to assess the Calcutta Stock Exchange's potential as an investment. Analyzing historical trends and current market conditions can help you determine if the investment aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  • Market Awareness: Regularly monitoring the price keeps you updated on the overall health of the Calcutta Stock Exchange. This awareness can be beneficial if you're considering investing in the future or simply staying informed about the financial landscape.


The Calcutta Stock Exchange share price offers a unique investment opportunity in the Indian market. While not publicly traded, reliable platforms like UnlistedZone can provide valuable insights into current prices and historical trends. By understanding the factors influencing the share price and the benefits of staying informed, you can make well-rounded investment decisions concerning the Calcutta Stock Exchange.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
