How to Complain to Lufthansa: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Traveling can sometimes come with unexpected issues, and knowing how to effectively address your concerns is crucial. If you have encountered any problems with your Lufthansa experience, it’s important to understand the process of how to "Complain to Lufthansa" to ensure your

Traveling can sometimes come with unexpected issues, and knowing how to effectively address your concerns is crucial. If you have encountered any problems with your Lufthansa experience, it’s important to understand the process of how to "Complain to Lufthansa" to ensure your feedback is heard and addressed. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the complaint process.

Why Complain to Lufthansa?

Lufthansa is committed to providing excellent service, but issues can occasionally arise. Common reasons to complain include:

  • Flight Delays or Cancellations: Unexpected delays or cancellations can disrupt your travel plans and lead to inconvenience.

  • Lost or Damaged Baggage: If your baggage is lost, delayed, or damaged, you are entitled to compensation and assistance.

  • Poor Customer Service: Instances of inadequate customer service, rude behavior, or lack of assistance.

  • In-flight Experience: Problems with seating, meals, or in-flight entertainment can also be grounds for a complaint.

Steps to Complain to Lufthansa

  1. Gather Information: Before you "Complain to Lufthansa," ensure you have all necessary details at hand, including your booking reference number, flight details, and any relevant documentation such as receipts or photos of damaged items.

  2. Contact Customer Service: The first step is to contact Lufthansa’s customer service. You can do this through several channels:

    • Phone: Call Lufthansa’s customer service hotline for immediate assistance.

    • Online: Use the feedback form available on Lufthansa’s official website. Navigate to the “Help & Contact” section and select the “Feedback & Complaints” option.

    • Email: Send an email to the customer service department detailing your complaint.

    • Social Media: Reach out to Lufthansa’s official social media accounts. While not the most formal channel, it can sometimes expedite responses.

  3. Provide Detailed Information: Clearly describe the issue, including dates, times, locations, and any Lufthansa staff involved. The more detailed your complaint, the easier it will be for the airline to investigate and respond appropriately.

  4. Specify Your Desired Outcome: Indicate what resolution you are seeking. Whether it’s a refund, compensation, or an apology, being clear about your expectations can help Lufthansa address your complaint more effectively.

  5. Follow Up: If you do not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe (typically 30 days), follow up on your complaint. Reference your initial complaint and provide any additional information if necessary.

Escalating Your Complaint

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction through the initial contact, you can escalate it further:

  1. Contact Lufthansa’s Customer Relations: Address your complaint to the Customer Relations department for a more in-depth review.

  2. Regulatory Bodies: If your issue remains unresolved, you can contact aviation regulatory bodies or consumer protection agencies. For example, in Europe, you can reach out to the European Consumer Centre (ECC) for cross-border disputes.

  3. Legal Action: As a last resort, consider legal action. Consult with a legal professional to understand your rights and the feasibility of this step.

Tips for Effective Complaints

  • Be Polite and Professional: While it’s important to express your dissatisfaction, maintaining a polite and professional tone increases the likelihood of a positive response.

  • Keep Records: Maintain records of all communications, including emails and phone conversations. This documentation can be crucial if you need to escalate your complaint.

  • Understand Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with passenger rights regulations, such as the EU Air Passenger Rights Regulation, which outlines compensation entitlements for flight delays, cancellations, and denied boarding.


Knowing how to "Complain to Lufthansa" effectively ensures that your grievances are addressed and helps improve the overall service for all passengers. By following these steps, providing detailed information, and understanding your rights, you can navigate the complaint process with confidence. Lufthansa values customer feedback and strives to resolve issues promptly, ensuring a better travel experience for everyone.

