Understanding Dental Crowns: Reasons For Their Necessity

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SWIFT MEDICAL CENTER is one of the top dental clinics in Abu Dhabi. We have a dedicated staff of dentists and specialists including Filipino dentist in Abu Dhabi committed to providing the best dental care possible. Our services include general practitioner, general dentistry, and orthodon

A dental crown is a cap that is formed like a tooth. Crowns are a common treatment option for restoring teeth that are too fragile, have been fractured, or have decay.

A crown is a cap-like restoration that covers the entire visible portion of a tooth. Before gluing your new crown into place, your dentist will need to remove some enamel from your tooth in order to guarantee that the crown fits correctly. Dental crowns in Abu Dhabi use a variety of materials, such as resin, metal, and porcelain, to build crowns for patients’ teeth.readmore
