10 Steps to Regain Hair Loss from Stress

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Discover how to regain hair loss from stress, from protein intake to red light therapy; get back your hair and restore its former glory now!

Excessive stress can negatively impact your health in various ways, one being hair loss. If you've noticed more hair in your brush or thinner locks lately, stress may be to blame. The good news is there are steps you can take to reduce stress and encourage hair regrowth. Follow these ten proven steps to learn how to regain hair loss from stress and restore your locks to their former glory.

Steps to Regain Hair Loss from Stress

Here are the brief treatments to regain hair loss from stress:

1- Add More Protein

Protein is essential for robust hair growth, and when aiming to regain hair loss from stress, maintaining an adequate protein intake becomes even more crucial. 

When stressed, it's common to reduce protein intake unintentionally. Strive to consume a minimum of 50 grams of protein every day. 

2- Take a Multivitamin

Taking a good multivitamin helps give you vitamins you may be missing that can cause more hair loss. Look for a brand with iron, biotin, vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C, which help hair grow. If you think you lack specific vitamins, get tests done and take separate vitamin pills if needed. Take a multivitamin to give your body the vitamins for healthy hair.

3- Try Red Light Therapy

Exposing your scalp to red light wavelengths is a promising step in your journey to regain hair loss from stress, as it effectively boosts circulation and cell metabolism, stimulating hair growth. 

At-home red light devices are available, or you can get in-office treatments. Use 5-10 minutes per treatment 2-3 times a week. Give it at least 12 weeks to see increased growth. Red light therapy is drug-free and non-invasive.

4- Talk to a Therapist

Addressing the emotional side of stress is vital to stopping stress-induced hair loss. A psychologist can help you work through mood disorders, grief, relationship issues, trauma, or other mental stressors with talk therapy. Joining a support group also provides coping strategies. You don't have to tackle stress alone.

5- Limit Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can exacerbate nutrient deficiencies and dehydrate your hair follicles, hindering efforts to regain hair loss from stress. Limit alcoholic beverages to occasional light intake only.

Remain hydrated by frequently drinking water to mitigate the effects of consuming alcohol. Reducing or avoiding Alcohol supports a healthy scalp environment.

6- Try Growth-Stimulating Products

Use topical over-the-counter treatments on your scalp daily to stimulate growth. Look for FDA-approved minoxidil foam or serum containing a 5% solution. Other products with growth factors, peptides, and DHT blockers can also help strengthen thinning hair. Give topicals at least three months before expecting noticeable results.

7- Add Volume at Your Roots

Disguise thin areas while waiting for new growth by applying volumizing powders or sprays at the roots. Use an all-over volumizing mousse. Ask your stylist for layers or feathering to add fullness. Use small hair clips and root lifters when styling. Give hair the illusion of thickness as it recovers.

8- Check for Medical Causes

See your doctor to check if you have a health problem causing more hair loss. Get blood tests to check for low vitamins, hormone problems, or immune system issues. 

Your doctor might give you medicines like steroids, antifungals, or hormone pills based on the tests. Treat any health problems found.

9- Make Time for Self-Care

Making time to relax is essential to lower stress. Try to plan fun activities every day that make you feel good. Exercise like walking, stretching, or activities that make your heart beat faster. 

Do calming hobbies like reading, coloring, or puzzles. Practice relaxing your mind through meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. Get a massage to relax.

10- Be Patient!

Growing back hair takes time and consistency, especially to regain hair loss from stress. Follow these tips diligently for at least six months before expecting significant results. 

Your hair growth occurs in cycles, so patience is required while new hair forms and lengthens. Believe in the process, and don't give up prematurely.


In summary, combating stress and taking proactive steps to nourish follicles and stimulate growth can help you regain a lush hairline. With diligence, a healthy scalp environment and better nutrition will promote new hair growth.

