Best Dental Implant Clinic In Mumbai

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Tofiq Bohra is the best dental implant clinic in Mumbai. If you do not have one or more primitive teeth in your oral cavity and you want to have it permanently treated, then this article is for you

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a screw-like structure and its upper part which is abutment is fitted by the dentist and after that its crown is placed . So it becomes a whole set of three things that act like our teeth.

Implant is something that doctors use to replace any part of the body.  For example, when the knee joint stops working, doctors recommend a knee implant. Similarly when a tooth breaks or a tooth comes out and then the space is empty and in its place the dentist puts an implant and it is called dental implant.

So The First Thing To Consider Is What Material Are Dental Implants Made Of?

Dental implant is made of titanium based metal and it is biocompatible.  It is completely compatible with the body and it does not harm our body at all. “best dental implant clinic in Mumbai“

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Where Are Dental Implants Needed?

It is needed where one or more teeth are missing, and can be used to create a bridge-like structure. And can give single teeth. And those who have no teeth in their mouth.  They can give over dentures by placing an implant inside their mouth.

Where Are Dental Implants Not Used?

Where the bone is soft and its thickness is less or the patient has a problem of diabetes, then a dental implant cannot be given  or any other disease in which the doctor cannot give the implant.

Procedure For Dental Implant-

  1. First of all the doctor examines the patient and according to his problem, prescribes his treatment.
  2. Then the doctor diagnoses the patient to see whether the patient’s bone supports dental implant treatment.
  3. After that, if the patient wants to get treatment, then the doctor gets his mouth X-ray done, which is called CBCT scan test, along with the blood test, and also sees that the patient does not have diabetes.
  4. In the CBCT scan test, it is seen that the length, thickness and width of the patient’s bone is based on which the next treatment is done.
  5. All of these factors are used for complete dental implants.
  6. And after all these normal tests, the implant is inserted inside the bone.
  7. And doctors wait for about three months because the implant which is made of metal takes three months to attach with bone.

If you want to know more about dental implants, click here:

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