Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad

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Consult the best surgical gastroenterologist, Dr. Dinesh Reddy, for leading Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad

Gallbladder cancer is a disease with abnormal growth of cells in your gallbladder. It is a small, pear-shaped organ in the upper right of your abdomen, under your liver. The organ stores bile (digestive fluid) which is produced by your liver.

Gallbladder cancer is a rare disease with a good chance of cure if discovered at an early stage. But, unfortunately, because of the hidden nature of the gallbladder, cancer grows without being detected. The delayed diagnosis makes the prognosis very poor.

So, if you experience any symptoms like abdominal pain, or bloating for a long time. Consult a gastroenterologist to get an early and accurate diagnosis


What are the Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer?


Gallbladder cancer often presents with non-specific symptoms in its early stages, which can make it challenging to diagnose. However, as the disease progresses, specific symptoms may emerge including:

The symptoms are similar to conditions, like gallstones or a blockage in a bile duct. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist for an accurate diagnosis.


What is the Cause of Gallbladder Cancer?

It is unclear what causes gallbladder cancer.  However, you might be more likely to get it if you:

These risk factors do not guarantee that you will develop cancer. It just indicates that your chances may be higher than someone without the risk.


What Tests are Needed for the Diagnosis of Gallbladder Cancer?

Sometimes, the disease is discovered incidentally when the gallbladder is removed for other reasons like cholecystitis. However, if you experience symptoms, your doctor may take your personal and family health history, do a physical examination and advise the following tests and procedures:

Blood Tests

This procedure is done to evaluate how well your liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts are working. This may help to determine the cause of your signs and symptoms.

Image Tests

This includes abdominal ultrasound to create images of the gallbladder and liver. CT scan and MRI scan for detailed imaging, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) to identify blockages in bile ducts or liver, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) which uses a camera to examine the bile ducts.



These procedures are performed to directly access and examine tissue that may contain cancer cells in the gallbladder.

A small sample of tissue from the gallbladder is removed and then examined under a microscope to confirm the presence of cancer cells.

A thin and lighted tube called a laparoscope is inserted into your abdomen through a small incision. This helps to visually inspect your gallbladder and surrounding tissues.

Based on the above tests, your doctor will determine the extent to which the cancer has spread and plan the appropriate treatment approach.


What are the Options for Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad, India?

The treatment will depend on:

In cases of early-stage gallbladder cancer, the primary objective of treatment is to completely remove the cancer and reduce the risk of recurrence.


Early-stage Treatment of Gallbladder Cancer


It is a common treatment for early-stage gallbladder cancer. It involves the removal of the gallbladder and nearby tissues. The extent of the surgery depends on the specific situation:

In this procedure, the surgeon removes only the gallbladder.

This is done if the cancer has spread beyond the gallbladder. It involves surgical removal of the gallbladder and surrounding affected tissues, along with lymph nodes.


Radiation therapy

This involves the use of a machine outside your body (EBRT) to direct radiation to your cancer. This treatment aims to kill cancer cells or slow down tumor growth while minimizing damage to healthy cells. Radiation therapy may be recommended after surgery to eliminate any remaining cancer cells. It may also help reduce cancer-related symptoms.

If you want to know more about Gallbladder Cancer Treatment  click here or  contact us 
