Beyond the Big Holes: The Untold Benefits of Small Hole Haynets

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Horse owners understand the importance of providing their equine companions with continuous access to forage. Hay keeps their digestive systems healthy, promotes natural grazing behavior, and can even help prevent boredom. However, the way hay is offered can significantly impact how your h

Horse owners understand the importance of providing their equine companions with continuous access to forage. Hay keeps their digestive systems healthy, promotes natural grazing behavior, and can even help prevent boredom. However, the way hay is offered can significantly impact how your horse eats and ultimately, their well-being. Enter the small holed haynets – a seemingly simple tool that offers a multitude of benefits for both your horse and you.

The Problems with Traditional Hay Feeding

Traditionally, hay has been offered loose in stalls or feeders. While this method seems straightforward, it comes with drawbacks:

Hay Waste: Horses tend to pull out more hay than they can eat, leading to significant waste. This not only translates to wasted money but also creates extra mucking chores.

Rapid Consumption: Horses can quickly devour loose hay, leading to digestive issues like colic. Gobbling down large quantities of hay can overwhelm their digestive system and lead to impaction.

Dust and Spores: Loose hay can stir up dust and mold spores, potentially triggering respiratory problems in some horses.

The Science Behind Small Hole Hay Nets

Small hole hay nets address these concerns by slowing down your horse's eating pace and promoting a more natural grazing behavior. Here's the science behind how they work:

Grazing Simulation: In their natural habitat, horses spend a significant portion of their day slowly nibbling on grass. haynets small holes mimic this grazing behavior by forcing horses to take smaller bites and work for their hay. This extended eating time promotes better digestion and reduces the risk of colic.

Reduced Waste: The smaller holes in the net make it more challenging for horses to pull out hay than they can eat. This translates to less hay waste, saving you money on hay purchases and reducing cleaning time in the stall.

Improved Dust Control: Hay nets help to contain hay dust and mold spores, creating a cleaner and healthier environment for your horse, especially those prone to respiratory issues.

Benefits for You, the Horse Owner

While the primary benefit goes to your horse's health and well-being, small hole hay nets offer significant advantages for you as well:

Reduced Hay Costs: Less hay waste translates to significant savings on hay purchases in the long run.

Less Stall Cleaning: Since horses aren't pulling out and scattering hay, your stall cleaning chores become less time-consuming and laborious.

Peace of Mind: Knowing your horse is eating at a slower pace and has continuous access to forage provides peace of mind, especially for busy horse owners.

Choosing the Right Small Hole Hay Net

Not all small hole hay nets are created equal. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting one for your horse:

Hay Type: The size of the holes should be appropriate for the type of hay you typically feed. Flaky hay requires slightly larger holes compared to hay with a stemmy texture.

Mesh Strength: Choose a net with a durable mesh that can withstand your horse's pulling and chewing. Look for Tack24 or similar brands known for high-quality hay nets.

Net Size: The size of the net should be appropriate for your horse's size and stall dimensions. A more giant net allows for more hay to be loaded, reducing the frequency of refilling.

Addressing Potential Concerns

Some horse owners might be concerned that small hole hay nets will frustrate their horses or make it difficult for them to access enough hay. Here's how to address these concerns:

Gradual Introduction: Introduce the small hole hay net gradually, allowing your horse to get accustomed to the new way of eating.

Multiple Nets: For horses requiring a larger quantity of hay, consider using multiple small hole nets throughout the stall.

Supervision: Monitor your horse's initial interactions with the net to ensure they can access the hay effectively.


Small hole hay nets are a win-win for both horses and their owners. They promote slower eating, reduce waste, and create a healthier environment. So ditch the traditional hay-feeding methods and embrace the science behind small-hole haynets. Your horse will thank you for the improved digestion, reduced risk of colic, and more natural way to graze, while you'll enjoy the cost savings and less time spent cleaning up wasted hay.

