Maximizing Potential: The Unrecognized Edge for Retail Marketplace Sellers in Retail Media

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A leading US-based Retail client experienced a remarkable 5% Increase in revenue, 15% improvement in Cost savings and an improved media strategy with Quantzig’s advanced Retail Media Analytics Solutions.

Originally Published on: Quantzig Maximizing Potential: The Unrecognized Edge for Retail Marketplace Sellers in Retail Media 


Key Takeaways

A noteworthy US-based Retail client experienced a significant 5% revenue surge, along with a 15% enhancement in cost savings, and refined media strategies following the adoption of Quantzig’s advanced Retail Media Analytics Solutions.

The client encountered obstacles such as stagnant market share growth amid regional competition, insufficient visibility into campaign effectiveness, and the absence of a structured ROI measurement framework.

Quantzig proposed a solution comprising a framework to distinguish between natural revenue and marketing-influenced revenue, introduced a Multi-Touch Attribution solution for assessing the role and ROI of each marketing channel, and developed models for quantifying campaign attributes and conducting What-If analyses to optimize future investment strategies.

Through our Marketing Decision Management (MDM) framework, we assist clients in effectively leveraging marketplace media to amplify brand activations, broaden brand awareness, and target desired audiences, providing expertise in platform selection, budget allocation, and campaign performance analysis.


Retail marketplace media encompasses digital advertising across retail sites, marketplaces, and applications, utilizing first-party data held by retailers about their customers. Leading retailers have expanded their retail media networks (RMNs), offering brands a platform to target high-intent shoppers. The surge in these networks is driven by advertisers seeking robust measurement capabilities amidst decreasing digital media expenditures and evolving data regulations.

Marketplace sellers are embracing this trend as retail media presents a significant opportunity to engage and influence customers. By proactively embracing it and employing advanced analytics practices, retail marketplace sellers can unlock substantial business growth potential. This case study illustrates how Quantzig’s Retail Media Analytics Solution assisted a leading US-based client in achieving a 5% increase in revenue, a 15% improvement in cost savings, and an enhanced media strategy.

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Quantzig Success Story

Client Details: A leading US-based client with a presence across more than 25 states

Challenges Faced by the Client: The client grappled with challenges such as stagnant market share growth amidst regional competition, insufficient visibility into campaign effectiveness, and the absence of a structured ROI measurement framework.

Solutions Offered by Quantzig: Quantzig proposed a solution comprising a framework to distinguish between natural revenue and marketing-influenced revenue, introduced a Multi-Touch Attribution solution for assessing the role and ROI of each marketing channel, and developed models for quantifying campaign features and conducting What-If analyses to optimize future investment strategies.

Impact Delivered: The client witnessed a notable 5% increase in revenue, a 15% enhancement in cost savings, and an improved media strategy.

Client Overview

In a fiercely competitive landscape, a leading US-based client with a presence across more than 25 states faced formidable challenges in augmenting its market share. Hindered by stiff competition from regional players, the client grappled with ineffective marketing strategies and lacked a robust framework for measuring campaign impact and identifying optimal channels. To overcome these hurdles and drive sustainable growth, the client turned to Quantzig, a renowned analytics and advisory firm, for innovative solutions.


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