Driving Efficiency and Growth through CPG Data Analytics

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A multinational consumer good manufacturing company headquartered in USA recently saw a 30% reduction in ad hoc analysis time with Quantzig’s expert solutions.

Originally Published on: QuantzigCPG Data Analytics Solutions – Ultimate Business Guide Key Takeaways 


Key Insights

  • A major multinational consumer goods manufacturer headquartered in the USA achieved a 30% reduction in ad hoc analysis time through tailored solutions provided by Quantzig.
  • Quantzig’s design-oriented dashboarding approach streamlined decision-making processes, facilitating near real-time reporting and centralized portfolio views.
  • The strategic use of CPG data analytics enables the extraction of actionable insights, optimization of decision-making processes, and enhancement of operational efficiency.


In today's fiercely competitive consumer goods sector, advanced analytics is essential for fostering sustainable growth and maintaining competitiveness. This case study explores how Quantzig’s CPG Data Analytics solutions empowered a multinational consumer goods manufacturer to achieve significant efficiency gains and improve decision-making processes.

Client Overview

A leading multinational consumer goods manufacturer, with headquarters in the USA and annual revenues exceeding $1 billion, faced challenges stemming from data overload and static reporting processes. Recognizing the need for an efficient analytics solution, the company sought assistance from Quantzig.

Client Challenges

  • Excessive Data Volume: Users grappled with a massive influx of data, hindering the extraction of actionable insights.
  • Static Reports and Manual Analysis: Manual efforts were essential for scenario-based analysis, leading to delays in decision-making.
  • Disparate Insights and Lack of Cohesion: Insights lacked coherence, complicating the identification of actionable items.

Solutions Provided by Quantzig

Quantzig addressed the client’s challenges through a design-centric approach, concentrating on critical business questions and implementing intuitive dashboarding techniques.

  • Design Thinking Dashboarding Approach: Intuitive dashboards streamlined the flow of information, providing stakeholders with key insights effortlessly.
  • Real-Time Reporting Implementation: Solutions resulted in a significant reduction in ad hoc analysis time and enabled near real-time reporting, enhancing decision-making processes.

Impact Achieved

Through collaboration with Quantzig, the client experienced:

  • 30% Reduction in Ad Hoc Analysis Time: Efficiency gains facilitated quicker decision-making.
  • Near Real-Time Reporting and Centralized Portfolio Views: Stakeholders gained access to centralized portfolio views, fostering informed decision-making.

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Envisioning the Future of CPG Data Analytics

The future of CPG data analytics holds promise for enhanced precision, agility, and strategic foresight.

  • Predictive Analytics: Brands will anticipate consumer behavior trends, enabling proactive stock replenishment and targeted interventions.
  • Data-Driven Approaches: Insights will elucidate the relationship between visit frequency, compliance, and sales performance, guiding resource allocation for maximal impact.

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