Non-Governmental Organizations

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Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are the entities that pursue a public interest agenda, not the commercial interest. They develop across over the world in both developing and developed countries and can access different resources to use them in their professional practice. Some organi

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are the entities that pursue a public interest agenda, not the commercial interest. They develop across over the world in both developing and developed countries and can access different resources to use them in their professional practice. Some organizations focus on addressing one policy- for example alleviating the burden of HIV/AIDS, while others seek to reach larger policy goals, like the eradication of poverty. NGOs comprise of rivalries, alliances, charities, businesses, radicals, and conservatives. Non-governmental organizations are useful political and development tools as they help to accelerate global social development and help facilitate various achievements and accomplishments in human development.

The international development and global politics have undergone the significant transformation because of globalization article rewriting service. Its unique characteristic is a high number and type of stakeholders involved in NGOs and other interest groups. Their critical impact on public policy at different levels has made these entities dominant actors in policy‐making and international relations. For many years, international private-sector groups and governments have been forced to justify their choices and decisions to NGOs, which claimed to represent interests of the marginalized and poor population. These entities, in turn, do not have to justify their decision to any party. As the final objective in the modern society is to work towards reaching the common good, it is necessary for all parties to improve their transparency and accountability, developing standards and norms. The pressure from NGOs is significant. As a result, accountability and transparency have started characterizing the professional work of government and private sector.

The major advantages of non-governmental organizations functioning include recruitment philosophy, commitment, dedication, non-profit status, ability to innovate, and flexibility. Despite the fact that NGOs are highly diverse, the one common goal that these organizations pursue is that they do not focus solely on short-term targets, but highlight the importance of addressing such long-term challenges as human rights, climate change, and prevention of malaria and HIV/AIDS that have become epidemic in recent years. NGOs’ professional activity is characterized by public trust. It helps to make the entities as useful tools for resolving social and political concerns.

For many years, governmental organizations have been playing a leading role in promoting sustainable development of communities. Due to their specific nature and ideology, these entities have demonstrated their effectiveness in reaching and mobilizing poor and marginalized populations in remote communities. NGOs can also empower these groups to regain control of their lives and strengthen locally. In addition, these entities can also carry out projects in a more effective manner and at a lower cost if compared to the propositions of government in the context of promotion of sustainable development.

Governmental organizations are run by professional staff seeking to reduce human suffering and reach progress in poor countries. These entities also play a crucial role in supporting households across the nations. They provide counseling and support services, increase public awareness on various issues, promote advocacy, microfinance, and legal aid. The long-term goal set by NGOs is to make community development more sustainable. It can be reached through various activities such as self-reliance, capacity-building, funding projects, and promoting the self-organization of different groups. There is a significant number of NGOs across the world, and they play a critical role in social and community development.

The power of governmental organizations lies in the ability to persuade. They demonstrate it through actions and persuasion. The common activities include public education, advocacy, and empowerment through agreements, networks, and local economic development. None of them involves coercion. Instead, they are implemented within legal frameworks established by the states and involve persuasive communication. This approach will help to better understand how the world is currently functioning and what changes should be introduced. NGO activities operate according to constitutive norms and significantly contribute international politics being a valuable political tool.

To conclude, non-governmental organizations are entities that do not seek to gain profit through their professional activity. They are principally independent from the authorities. NGOs are organized at the local, national or international level to resolve pressing issues, and they work collaboratively and productively for the public good. NGOs’ focus is social welfare, human rights issues, economic development, and humanitarian aid. As these entities are independent of governments, they are not subjected to the same political pressure to which states are often subjected.

