What is Capital Gains Tax in the UK?

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One must take into account how they interact with other taxes, just like with many other taxes. Please take care not to handle Stamp Duty, VAT, Income Tax, and Inheritance Tax in isolation as these are frequently included in CGT tax planning. Make sure you get expert guidance to maximise y

What is Capital Gains Tax in the UK?

The profit you make when you sell (or "dispose of") an asset (an increase in value) is taxable as capital gains tax.There are tax-free assets. If your gains during a given year fall below your tax-free allowance, you are also exempt from paying capital gains tax.

You can use a Capital Gains Tax on UK Property account to report and pay gains tax if you sold a residential property in the UK on or after April 6, 2020.Selling it, donating it as a gift, moving it to another person, exchanging it for something else, or receiving payment for it such as an insurance claim if it is lost or destroyed.

2. What is the UK's capital gains tax rate?

For the 2023–2024 tax year, you will receive the £6,000 CGT annual exemption if you have sold assets at a profit. Beyond this, the CGT that you pay is determined by:

1. Regardless of whether you pay taxes at the basic, higher, or additional rates.

2. The kind of property you have sold.

Since the allowance cannot be carried over into the following tax year, using it for your gains each year makes sense, if applicable. Generally speaking, it's a good idea to carefully weigh the potential tax benefits of asset sales both now and down the road. 

What you pay it on

Verify whether you must pay capital gains tax if you sell or give away crypto assets, such as bitcoin.By requesting relief, you might be able to lower the amount of tax you pay, depending on the asset. You are required to pay Capital Gains Tax on your portion of the gain when you sell an asset that you jointly hold with another person.

Allowances for Capital Gains Tax

All gains beyond your annual exempt amount (also known as your tax-free allowance) are subject to capital gains tax alone.

The exempt amount from capital gains taxes is:

$ 3,000 and £ 6,000 for trusts

gifts for the charity or your spouse

Your civil partner or spouse

When you donate or sell assets to your husband, wife, or civil partner, you do not have to pay capital gains tax if:

You supplied them with things for their business to sell from April 6 to April 5, the following year, even though you were no longer living together throughout that tax year.

If they decide to sell the asset later

If your spouse or civil partner subsequently sells the asset, they might be required to pay taxes on any gains.

The difference in value between the asset's initial purchase price and the sale price will be used to determine its gain.

Your spouse or civil partner should calculate their gain based on the market value as of March 31, 1982, if this occurred before April 1982.

They should document the amount you paid for the asset.

Gifts to charity

If you donate assets to charity, you are exempt from paying capital gains tax.

If you sell something to a charity, you can be responsible for paying both: more than what you originally paid and less than market value.

Instead of calculating your gain based on the asset's value, use the amount the charity pays you.

If the tax-free allowance is less than your total gains

If your total taxable gains are less than your capital gains tax allowance, you are not required to pay taxes.If you are in any of the following situations, you must still disclose your gains on your tax return:You are registered for Self-assessment if the total amount you received from the sale of the assets exceeds four times your allowance.

If you’re non-resident

Even if you lose money or your gain is less than the tax-free allowance, you still have to report to HMRC when you sell real estate or land. Taxes are not due on other capital gains by non-residents.

One must take into account how they interact with other taxes, just like with many other taxes. Please take care not to handle Stamp Duty, VAT, Income Tax, and Inheritance Tax in isolation as these are frequently included in CGT tax planning. Make sure you get expert guidance to maximise your tax profile and to give you peace of mind.


While the term "capital gains tax" may seem a little scary, it means that the government will take just a small amount of any profits you generate from specific sales or investments. You can manage this part of taxes and make sure you're meeting your responsibilities without undue stress by being aware of the fundamentals. For your particular scenario, you should always think about getting expert guidance.

