Tips for Making a Claim on Your Family Mediclaim Policy

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Navigate the process of claiming on your family mediclaim policy with ease! Discover essential tips and guidelines for a smooth and successful insurance claim experience

In today's fast-paced lifestyle, ensuring adequate health coverage for your family is essential. Family mediclaim policies offer a comprehensive solution by providing financial protection against unforeseen medical expenses. 

Knowing the claiming process is crucial as it ensures smooth reimbursement and utilisation of policy benefits when needed. Let's delve deeper into the sector of family mediclaim policies and explore the significance of grasping the claiming process for a hassle-free experience.

Understanding Family Mediclaim Policy

Family mediclaim policy is essential for ensuring that you and your loved ones receive the necessary healthcare coverage when needed. These policies typically cover medical expenses for your entire family, offering financial protection against unexpected illnesses or accidents. To make the most of your policy, it's important to familiarise yourself with its key features, such as coverage limits, inclusions, exclusions, and the claiming process. By analysing these aspects, you can effectively utilise your policy benefits and avoid any potential complications during claim settlements. 

Types of Health Insurance Claims

One can file a claim via any of the following ways:

  • Cashless Health Insurance: With cashless health insurance, you can file a claim without the hassle of paying the entire hospital bill upfront. Simply present your Cashless Health Card at any network hospital, where your insurer can directly settle the bills. While this method isn't entirely cashless, as you may need to pay a nominal deductible, it streamlines the claiming process, eliminating the need to keep track of bills and invoices for submission.


  • Reimbursement Claims: Opting for reimbursement claims grants you the flexibility to choose any hospital for treatment, regardless of whether it's in your insurer's network. After covering the treatment expenses yourself, collect the necessary documents and invoices and submit them to your health insurance provider for reimbursement. Once your claim is approved, the insurer will reimburse the eligible expenses after deducting any applicable deductible. This approach offers freedom of choice to healthcare providers while still providing financial protection through insurance coverage.

Tips for Making a Health Insurance Claim

By following the tips below, you can explore the claiming process and ensure timely reimbursement or settlement of medical expenses under your family mediclaim policy.


  • Understand Your Policy: Familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of your family mediclaim policy, including coverage limits, inclusions, exclusions, and claim procedures.

  • Keep documents Handy: Ensure you have all necessary documents readily available when making a claim, such as health cards, consultation papers, diagnostic reports, hospital bills, prescriptions, and any other relevant paperwork.

  • Know the Claiming Process: Be aware of the different methods of filing a claim, whether it's through cashless health insurance at network hospitals or reimbursement claims for treatment at any facility.

  • Notify Your Insurer Promptly: Inform your health insurance provider about any hospitalisation or medical treatment as soon as possible to initiate the claim process promptly.

  • Follow Proper Procedures: Adhere to the specific procedures outlined by your insurer for filing a claim, including filling out claim forms accurately and submitting all required documents within the stipulated time frame.

  • Keep Records: Maintain a record of all communication with your insurer, including claim forms, correspondence, and receipts, for future reference and documentation.

  • Seek Assistance if Needed: If you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding the claiming process, don't hesitate to contact your insurance provider's customer service for guidance and assistance.

Documents Required to File a Claim for the Best Mediclaim Policy For Family

To initiate an insurance claim for the best mediclaim policy for family, you need to furnish the following documents:


  1. Health Card (Health Insurance ID Card)

  2. Consultation papers from the attending physician

  3. Completed filled claim form

  4. Diagnostic reports, including CT scans, X-rays, blood tests, etc.

  5. Itemised hospital bills accompanied by payment receipts

  6. Medico-Legal Certificate (MLC) or/and First Information Report (FIR) in accident cases

  7. Pharmacy invoices, along with prescriptions and payment receipts

  8. Discharge summary

  9. Any additional documents requested by the insurer for processing the claim

Step-by-Step Guide for Claim Processing

Steps to file a claim for the best mediclaim policy in India are mentioned below.


Cashless Health Insurance Claim Settlement Process

Step 1: Get admitted to a network hospital of your insurance company and contact the insurance helpdesk at the hospital

Step 2: Present the health card issued by your insurer for identification

Step 3: The hospital will verify your identity and provide you with a pre-authorisation form for cashless treatment

Step 4: Complete the pre-authorisation form and submit it at the insurance desk

Step 5: The network hospital will forward the pre-authorisation form to your health insurance provider

Step 6: Your insurer will assess your pre-authorisation request, review the submitted documents, and approve your cashless claim as per policy terms. Some insurers may assign a field doctor to assist in this process

Step 7: Pay for any medical expenses not covered by your policy at the time of discharge

Step 8: Your insurance company will directly settle the claim amount with the hospital, adhering to policy terms


Reimbursement Health Insurance Claim Settlement Process

Step 1: Notify your health insurance provider promptly about your hospitalisation

Step 2: Receive treatment at the hospital

Step 3: Settle the entire hospital bills upon discharge and collect all necessary documents

Step 4: Submit all required documents to your health insurance company

Step 5: The insurer will review the submitted documents and process the claim in accordance with policy terms

Step 6: Upon approval, the claim amount will be disbursed to you.

Summing Up

The significance of health insurance claims cannot be overstated. These claims serve as a vital lifeline, providing individuals and families with financial protection and peace of mind during illness or medical emergencies. By facilitating access to quality healthcare services and mitigating the burden of exorbitant medical expenses, health insurance claims play a crucial role in safeguarding policyholders' well-being and financial stability. Moreover, timely and efficient processing of claims ensures that individuals can focus on their recovery without the added stress of financial strain. 

