Best Programming Languages for Web Development

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Think about how many human languages there are in the world. Just as you have so many languages you could speak, you’ll find various web development languages out there to communicate with the machines. Experienced web developers will select one to help them create apps and websites for their clients. This is just one of the many web development services available to ensure you meet your business goals.

During the 1960s, there were about 10 programming languages for computers. However, there are now thousands today. Historically, the highly popular ones were SQL, Java, C, Python, and Swift. Still, other contemporary languages are quickly growing. This guide will explain the many options to help you narrow it down to the right choice.



Coding Languages vs. Programming Languages

A development team will use programming languages to tell computers what they should do in a way they understand. In a sense, it’s a human-readable code, and there are various options. The most popular include JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

However, coding is part of programming. The coders write the instructions in programming languages for the machines. The two terms are interchangeable and often used alongside each other.

Generally, programming languages are DSLs (domain-specific languages) or general-purpose languages. The general-purpose programming languages are interpreted or compiled without knowledge from the platform or system architecture. However, DSLs are designed to work within the programming environment.

Here’s an example: C++ won’t run on PHP or Python, but those languages work on most systems, including Java, because they’re general-purpose languages.



How Are Programming Languages Used in Web Development Services?

Web developers often use these languages to create web pages. The most common include C#, Python, and JavaScript. Typically, the developers choose the right language based on whether they’re doing back-end or front-end development. Custom web development is crucial so that you get what will work best for your business goals.

Machine learning engineers will also use programming languages for artificial intelligence creation to develop their applications.



Typical Programming Languages a Custom Web Development Company Might Use

Coders will either use low-level or high-level programming languages. Generally, the high-level languages can be easier to program, though the machine requires an interpreter. Alternatively, low-level languages will speak to the machine directly but are harder to build.

Here are just a few examples of the many programming languages used today:


Python is a versatile and high-level programming language. In fact, most people feel it’s a beginner-friendly option when compared to C++ or Java. Guido van Rossum developed it and released it in 1991. It gained traction quickly across various industries because of its readability, minimal syntax, ability to handle functional and object-oriented programming, and its focus on the natural language processing.

Overall, people use Python for data manipulation and analysis, designing desktop and web applications, machine learning, AI, and server-side web development in cases where Django is used.


JavaScript is one of the most common development languages because it’s simple to use. Developers often create web pages from it, and it’s also the world’s oldest coding language available.

Brenden Eichs was an employee of Netscape Communications in 1995 when he developed JavaScript. In fact, he designed it primarily to complement Java, which was the Netscape Navigator Sun’s program. They both use a similar syntax.

Originally, Netscape wanted to name the new language Mocha. However, it changed to JavaScript early on. Microsoft actually competed with Netscape in 1996 by using the JavaScript program in Internet Explorer 3.

There are various pros and cons to using JavaScript. However, it became the most popular language because it helped to streamline the development process. Generally, programmers find many options for their frameworks, such as jQuery, which will improve the creation of graphics and animations and how they might connect to different data models.


Swift was created by Apple and is also a high-level programming language. Overall, developers can easily write code quickly and simply. In fact, Apple released Swift in 2014, though the company didn’t make it open source until 2017.

Since Swift is in demand, fast, and safe, it was ranked as one of the top 20 popular languages in a Stack Overflow survey completed in 2021. Many programmers want to become fluent in Swift because it’s a valuable asset to have.

The benefits of Swift are plentiful. You’ll use fewer code lines than with other languages, and it’s much easier mastering concepts. Likewise, there’s an interactive playground to help you test your web application, which most other languages don’t offer.



HTML is called a markup language and is the basis for the construction of any web application. It will tell browsers how to show the web pages. While it’s not a traditional form of programming, HTML requires more coding and is challenging to learn.


PHP was first released in 1995, and the language has continued to grow in popularity because of its scalability and simplicity. Overall, it’s used in web development (front-end and back-end), but it’s also the powerhouse for hosting services, content management systems, game development, and online advertising.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails was created in 2004 by David Heinemeier Hansson, and it’s a highly complex, popular, and object-oriented programming language. The open-source framework helps people build web applications with less effort, which is why it’s a popular choice for custom web app development professionals. Many industries use it, such as social media, government, education, and eCommerce sites.
