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Best places to visit during winter in Pakistan

Best places to visit during winter in Pakistan:

Malam Jabba, Swat, KPK

Malam Jabba, Pakistan's oldest and largest ski resort, is nestled in the majestic Hindu Kush range at an elevation of 2,804 meters (9,199 feet). Located approximately 50 kilometers from Saidu Sharif, the capital of Swat, this charming resort has been attracting domestic and international tourists alike.

[caption id="attachment_22776" align="alignleft" width="640"]best places to visit Malam Jabba[/caption]












Top Places to Visit in Swat Valley: The Most Beauteous Land


Activities abound at Malam Jabba, with an 800-meter ski slope and the highest slope in the region, reaching approximately 9,000 feet above sea level.

A chairlift ride offers breathtaking views of the snow-covered valley below. In addition to skiing, the resort features ice-skating rinks, zip-lining, and free-fall experiences.

If you're into snow trekking, explore the trails in the area, some of which lead to ancient Buddhist stupas and monasteries dating back 2,000 years.

The December temperature varies from a high of 6°C (43°F) to a low of -6°C (20°F). For a milder climate with pleasant afternoons and cool evenings, consider visiting in January.


Pearl Continental Hotel Malam Jabba

Accommodations are plentiful, ranging from luxury options like Pearl Continental and Serena to fully equipped villas for a more private experience.


Kalam, Swat, KPK

Kalam, situated at an altitude of 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) above sea level, is a picturesque valley known for its lush forests, rugged mountains, and captivating lakes. Within a 20-kilometer radius of Kalam, you'll find attractions like the glaciers of Matiltan, Kundol Lake of Utror, and the medicinal springs of Gabriel.

[caption id="attachment_17485" align="alignleft" width="640"]Best places to visit Kajri Lake Shahibagh utror Utrar valley Kalam Sawat[/caption]












The three-hour trek from Kalam to Kundal Lake is a popular activity, offering pristine views of the lake and its surroundings. You can also opt for a jeep ride to reach Kundal Lake in half the time.

For more adventure, venture to Mahodand Lake in the Usho Valley, approximately 40 kilometers from Kalam, where you can enjoy fishing, boating, and rafting. Kalam is also blessed with numerous natural waterfalls hidden in its forests.

In December, Kalam experiences an average temperature of 4°C (39°F), dropping to around 1.5°C (35°F) in January, making it a great time to explore the region.


Rock City Resort

Accommodations are primarily located 45 to 50 kilometers from Kalam, offering warm and comfortable options, while camping under the stars is also possible with proper planning.
