Top Free Weather APIs for Accessing Historical Data

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Developers simply sign up for an API key and then start retrieving weather data with API calls.

Weather data is invaluable for businesses across industries—from agriculture and logistics to events and retail. Historical weather records enable data-driven planning while real-time data optimizes day-to-day operations. Thankfully for developers, robust weather APIs made this data freely accessible.

Best Free Weather API acts as a bridge between source weather data and applications. They provide direct access to historical observations and forecasts through a web API interface. Developers simply sign up for an API key and then start retrieving weather data with API calls.

The challenge lies in selecting the right API from the myriad of options available today. When evaluating free weather APIs, a few key criteria stand out:

  • Global coverage: APIs with worldwide weather station access enable location flexibility.
  • Historical data: Long-term records, ideally 30+ years, facilitate forecasting.
  • Reliability: Stable APIs with SLAs ensure weather data uptime.
  • Support: Documentation and technical assistance smooth out integration.
  • Customization: Flexible API outputs and query parameters are advantageous.

Here are five of the top free weather APIs for accessing quality historical data:

1. OpenWeatherMap

A popular free API with basic daily forecast data globally. Historical reports available for the past 5 years.

2. Weatherbit

Offers historical weather down to the minute with no signup required. Global coverage with bulk data downloads.

3. Visual Crossing

Enterprise-level features like global historical data, forecast models, and weather maps. Free developer accounts.

4. ClimaCell

Robust developer-focused API with a free starter tier. Access historical data back to 2007.


Clean API provides global historical weather data via a freemium model.

While the above APIs offer free accounts, most enforce relatively low rate limits before paid plans are required. For high-volume weather data access, WeatherStack is an excellent option.

WeatherStack combines free usage with enterprise-grade capabilities. Developers get 10,000 API calls per month without a credit card. From there, affordable subscriptions add functionality like:

  • Historical data back to 2008.
  • Current conditions, forecasts, and weather alerts.
  • Granular query parameters for custom data outputs.
  • Batch processing for large data loads.
  • 99.9% uptime with robust infrastructure.

Having flexibility is key when evaluating a historical Weather API. The ability to refine parameters and output fields saves development time. For historical analysis, tapping into decades of records is ideal.

WeatherStack makes it possible to build dynamic weather applications on a budget. Their free tier handles proof of concepts and early prototyping. Subscriptions then scale to any level from side projects to global production systems.

By following API best practices like caching, filtering, and planned upgrades, the costs remain reasonable. For most use cases, WeatherStack strikes the optimal balance of functionality, affordability, and ease of integration.

In summary, never has so much weather data been freely available to developers. Thanks to healthy competition in the API space, innovation is thriving. Whether looking to develop a quick app or power an enterprise platform, combining free and subscription weather APIs enables success without breaking the bank.
