In case you buy flat in South Kolkata in the higher levels, then it’ll become hot during summer. As a result, individuals tend to use their air conditioning units more compared to those living in the lower levels. Consequently, the energy bills of those individuals staying on the upper floors will be higher. On the other hand, it will not make much difference if you are staying in an area experiencing a moderate climate throughout the year.


Anti-social elements will find it easier to enter flats in the lower levels, unlike those which are situated on the upper floors. Nevertheless, it will depend on the safety precautions taken by the administration of the residential building in the long run. One might find it annoying to wait for a lift if he is staying on the upper floors. In that case, it’ll be advisable for the person to stay on the lower floors such that it’ll be possible to use the staircase.

Family consideration

On some occasions, the situation might arise when the elevators are not functioning. This can be due to a power failure or the malfunctioning of any complement. In such situations, it can be difficult for the elderly members of the family to use the staircase to go to the top floors. On the other hand, it’ll be better to reside on the ground floors to make it more convenient for the senior members.

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