Benefits of Boat Pose: Enhance Strength, Digestion.

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Discover the physical and mental benefits of practicing Boat Pose, including core strength, improved digestion, and strengthened hip flexors

Navasana, or boat pose, strengthens, stabilizes, and balances the abdominal muscles. This seemingly easy pose targets the entire core, including the muscles in the lower back, obliques, and abs, Practicing this pose daily also corrects the posture and eliminates back problems. However, the benefits of boat pose, extend beyond strengthening your abs. In addition to enhancing digestion, this stance stimulates the thyroid, intestines, and kidneys. Since maintaining balance demands focus and concentration, it can also aid in the relief of tension and anxiety.

Modifications and Variations of the Boat Pose

Half Boat Pose 

In this pose, roll your shoulders and lean back. Bend your knees and slowly lift your fit off the mat. Extend your arms to the side of the body and hold the posture.

Bent Knee Boat Pose 

You can practice the boat posture with bent knees to make it more attainable. Maintain your toes on the ground, heels off the ground, and your knees bent rather than extending your legs straight. This adjustment keeps the core muscles engaged while lowering the intensity of the pose.

One Leg Boat Pose

Start with the half-boat pose if you find it challenging to get both legs off of the floor. This variation requires you to hold one leg on the floor and elevate the other leg while sitting on your tailbone. This variation lets you gradually increase stability before progressing to the full posture.
