The Leading 10 Social Networking Platforms in 2023

Our list rankings take into account both their relevance to brands and creators, as well as the number of Monthly Active Users (MAUs).

Facebook: 3.3 billion
Facebook, the largest social networking platform, boasts nearly 3 billion monthly users, representing approximately 37% of the global population. Over 200 million businesses, primarily small enterprises, utilize Facebook tools, and more than seven million advertisers actively promote their businesses on this platform, making it a reliable choice for establishing a social media presence.

Facebook's versatility accommodates various content formats, including text, images, video content, and Stories. It's essential to note that the Facebook algorithm prioritizes content that encourages meaningful interactions and conversations among users, especially involving family and friends.

YouTube: 2.56 billion
YouTube, a video-sharing platform, witnesses users consuming a staggering billion hours of video content every day. Remarkably, it not only ranks as the second-largest social media platform but is also frequently referred to as the second-largest search engine, second only to Google, its parent company.

For businesses leveraging video content for promotion, incorporating YouTube into your marketing strategy is imperative. To begin, here's a guide on establishing a YouTube channel for your brand. Furthermore, to enhance the discoverability of your videos and expand your audience, we suggest delving into YouTube SEO techniques or exploring advertising opportunities on the platform to extend your reach.

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Top 10 Leading Social Media Platforms for Your Brand in 2023 - Business d'Or

Keep up with popular social media sites to engage your audience effectively. Check our 2023 list for insights.