Cargo theft has now become the issue of the time about which everybody is talking in the industry. Everybody is frightened and somehow distressed about the same, thinking about how it can be controlled.

As per the reports, there are shared goals of educating the transportation and manufacturing sectors about the effectual cargo theft risks present across the globe. With the increased awareness of cargo crime trends, the industry will be able to capture a proactive approach to intercepting cargo crime and decreasing the financial loss and brand reputation damage that outcome from cargo crime.

Here are some facts related to the importance of Freight shipping tracking for businesses from cargo theft:

Theft from road vehicles accounts for a huge proportion at 84%.
The biggest type of cargo theft is Slash and Grab i.e. at 26% extensively with notable regional variation.
The fusion of food, beverage, alcohol, and tobacco builds up the most common commodity group at 34%.
South America tops the geographical analytics of the median value of each theft at approx $77,000.

The Importance of Freight Tracking for Business - Cargo Tracking

The Importance of Freight Tracking for Business - Cargo Tracking

Cargo tracking technology allows shippers to control their transportation and locate the shipment at any point in its journey. It helps track and trace features available on an asset tracking and management system.