The Scourge of Plastic Waste

Plastic waste – a term often used but do we understand exactly why this is a problem? What exactly is plastic waste? Quite simply, it is plastic that has reached the end of its life and needs to be disposed of. But that’s not the problem. The problem is – how is this plastic waste disposed of? Currently, only 9% is successfully recycled. The rest is either sent to landfill, incinerated or – less frequently now because of government legislation – exported to be dealt with – where it is usually landfilled or incinerated causing the same environmental problems that existed already.
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The Scourge of Plastic Waste: A modern solution to help prevent this environmental apocalypse from overwhelming the planet - QMRE

The Scourge of Plastic Waste: A modern solution to help prevent this environmental apocalypse from overwhelming the planet - QMRE

Plastic is too useful a commodity; it preserves the life of foodstuffs; it is light, durable, economical and flexible and is used in a vast array of industrial processes where it presents a cheaper and more efficacious solution than most other materi