How Travelators Are Making Public Transportation More Accessible
Whereabouts and Acknowledgment
Having the travelator well placed at a sensible and ideal location is essential.
In places where people have to go long distances or up and down several stories, a travelator—sometimes called a moving walkway—is usually installed. Having the travelator well placed at a sensible and ideal location is essential. For people with poor stamina, travelators might be a lifesaver.
Similarly, users of the building will appreciate the consistency and comfort offered by identically built travelators. Tactile, visual, and auditory signals are the sole means by which the travelator may be located for the visually impaired and blind. One more thing to note here is that if no one is using the travelator, it could be challenging to determine the direction of the trip from a distance.
Key Considerations in Its Location
1- Clearly mark the location of the travelator with the appropriate signage. If avoiding visual screening is not possible, this becomes even more important.
2- A traveller can be highlighted with greater degrees of local lighting. Different floor finishes can be used to identify the position, start, and completion of travelators. Make the traveller's destination and direction of travel crystal clear by providing relevant details.
3- For those who would rather not use the traveller, make sure the spaces are designed with nearby routes in mind. Such people might want to consider electric buggies or some other kind of alternative transportation.
4- When the travelator is slanted, it should be easy to install a ramp, stairs, and lift.
Make It Easy to Use
Everyone in the building should have no trouble using the travelator because of how it is designed.
It could be difficult to discern if a traveller is moving in a specific direction or remaining still at times.
Looking at the contrasting lines on the moving railing might sometimes reveal the direction the passenger is travelling.
The travelator’s approach must be flat and large enough to fit all people into the building.
When doing elevator maintenance, the design of the travelator must allow for a safe and smooth transition between stationary and moving surfaces.
Moreover, there is no indication in the design as to which side is meant for walking or standing. Those using the facility have the option of standing on the pavement outside or following the rules of the road they are most familiar with.
Other than that, shopping malls and supermarkets often include inclined travelators that customers can use to move their trolleys around the premises. It is important for building occupants to be aware if the travelator locks the tram wheels.