Is it normal to get a seizure after 3 years of successful brain tumour surgery?

Brain tumour surgery is an operation for the brain if anyone wants to remove irregular growths from the brain. These operations give hope because they usually remove the tumour and give patients relief from symptoms. However, there are patients whose seizures return even years after the surgery, which is concerning.

In this article, we will see why some people have seizures after successful brain surgery and how it can be managed by a doctor. It will also give hope to those who are dealing with this problem.

This article will show the both positive and negative sides of surgery. Seizures are unpredictable. They can happen after surgery, within a week or month, or not at all.

Dr. Yogesh Gupta is one of the best brain surgeons in India, consult him for preoperative concerns and postoperative concerns, and if your surgery is done by him, then you don’t have to worry about anything.

Understanding Seizures:

Seizures are uncontrollable and can happen in the brain suddenly. They can change a person's behaviours, emotions, or feelings. Some people can face shaking movements in their body or can feel minor changes in the body, like zoning out for a short time.

It is common to have seizures, even after the successful surgery of brain tumour removal. There are many reasons for the development of seizures after surgery:

1. Residual Tumour Tissue:

Residual Tumour Tissue: A Lingering Concern

Even after careful usage of methods and high-tech tools by doctors to remove brain tumours. Problems are still faced even after surgery. There are leftovers of small bits of the tumour, so the root problem stays in the body.

Effects on Surrounding Neural Environment:

Even the smallest pieces of residual tumour tissue can brain functions. The cells that are left behind irritate the brain's complex network. This continuous stimulation may disrupt brain activity and result in difficulties for the person.

Stimulus for Abnormal Electrical Activity:

Some tumours are still left even after the successful completion of surgery, which irritates and disturbs the brain cells. This irritation caused by leftover tumour tissue messes up the communication process in the brain. It is like a brain phone getting crossed. It can also lead to seizures because the brain gets confused between signals when mixed.

Contribution to Epileptogenesis:

The leftover tumour after brain surgery does not just fade away but can cause problems like inflammation and swelling of the brain. This leftover tumour tissue triggers inflammation, in which the brain gets swollen. The brain is sensitive during inflammation. In this individual can react to any little thing. Because of this, there are chances in the brain to have seizures. Seizures are like car horns, which are very annoying and can happen again and again once started, creating a cycle known as epileptogenesis. The presence of leftover tumour tissue not only disrupts the brain's functioning but also sets the stage for a pattern of recurring seizures.

Location and Impact on Seizure Susceptibility:

The body part in which you are to have seizures depends on the location of the leftover tumour. There are higher chances of seizures on the location of the tumour.

If the tumour is in essential areas of the brain, like those controlling movement or speech, then there are more chances of the development of seizures in the brain because the tumour is present in the brain.

The risk of development of seizures depends on the proximity of leftover tumour tissue to vital brain functions.

Persistent Threat to Neurological Function:

Leftover tumours are still a problem even after removing all the tumours because they keep bothering the brain, which increases the chances of the development of seizures.

2. Altered Excitability:

Scar Tissue Formation and its Influence on Postoperative Seizures:

After brain surgery, when the body starts to heal, there is the formation of scar tissue. But this scar tissue is not just sitting there as it can affect how nearby brain cells work, which can lead to seizures after surgery.

Altering Neuronal Excitability:

The presence of scar tissue in the brain can cause a disturbance in the activities of nerve cells. The nerve cells have smooth communication using electrical signals. Scar tissue around the brain is like having a loud noise in the background that disturbs communication. This disturbance can trigger nerve cells. This disturbance caused by scar tissue can disturb the brain's balance and might cause issues like seizures or other problems with how the brain works.

Initiation and Propagation of Seizures:

Seizures are more likely to happen where the nerve cells get triggered by scar tissue. The brain has mechanisms that control nerve activity. However, the formation of scar tissue interferes with these brain mechanisms and reduces its effectiveness. If there are increased activities in the brain. It can spread all over the brain, and then there are more chances of the formation of seizures.

Disruption of Synaptic Connections:

The formation of a scar can lead to synapses, which can disrupt the connection between neurons. Synapses have a role in passing messages between neurons. However, the scar formation interferes with these connections leads to disturbance in brain activity, and increases the chances of seizures.

Creating a Conducive Environment for Seizure Generation:

After brain surgery, seizures are more likely to happen because of scar tissue. It happens because of tiredness within brain cells that mess up communication. So, the scar tissue plays a major role in the sudden electrical activity that leads to seizures.

Formation of Seizure Foci:

Scar Tissue as a Focal Point for Seizure Generation:

Scar tissues are more likely to happen by the removal of a brain tumour. This scar tissue can cause problems within the working of the nerve cells in the brain. If you want to make your brain work properly, then the brain needs to receive the messages, but the formation of Scar tissues slows down the messages between nerve cells. It can sometimes lead to seizures. They are more likely to happen where there is interaction in brain activities.

Altered Neural Architecture:

The formation of scar tissues in the brain feels like everything is changing. It makes the whole life different. The formation of scar tissue in the brain can have effects. It is like a slight change in the recipe can completely change the taste of a dish. It can disrupt the brain structure, which makes it more difficult to function properly.

Hyperexcitability and Seizure Generation:

Changes in the brain can trigger the environment. Because of this trigger, the nerve cells or neurons are more likely to send the electrical signals within the brain. Changes in brain activity can make the neurons active and there are more chances of the development of seizures.

Disruption of Normal Neural Activity Balance:

Scar tissue acts as a disruptor in the brain that disturbs the activities within nerve cells. It is like a glitch in the system that causes some parts of the brain active while others slow down. When the brain is not working the way it should, it increases the chances of seizures.

Multifaceted Mechanisms of Scar-Related Seizure Generation:

There are different reasons that scar tissue can lead to seizures. There are multiple mechanisms through which scars can lead to seizures. Mechanisms may be like changes in brain activity, disruption of the network, and interference with normal brain functions. Summing up, I want to say that there are many ways in which scar tissue can mess with a brain that can lead to seizures.

Management Strategies:

Proper medications, making lifestyle changes, and seeking medical support are all essential to treat seizures after brain tumour surgery. In some cases, additional medical interventions:

Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs):

Doctors advise medications such as levetiracetam, carbamazepine, and phenytoin to control seizures and prevent them.

Lifestyle Modifications:

lifestyle modifications such as getting a good amount of sleep, avoiding alcohol and drugs, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy diet can help to manage seizures.

Regular Follow-Up Care:

Individuals who have experienced seizures following brain tumour surgery require regular follow-up care with their healthcare provider. Regular follow-up care with the doctor is essential after brain tumour surgery. It will help to monitor the seizure activity and adjust medication if needed.

Surgical Interventions:

Sometimes, doctors might suggest surgery if seizures keep happening even after the surgery. It can help to remove the part of the brain that causes seizures with a nerve stimulator tool called vagus.


It is difficult to go through brain tumour surgery to remove seizures. There can be many reasons behind the formation of seizures that we might not know. But we can manage them by taking prescribed medication by doctors, making lifestyle changes like getting quality sleep, regular checkups with doctors, and taking a nutritious diet. These methods can entirely remove or manage seizures. Dr. Yogesh Gupta is one of the best brain surgeons in India, consult him for preoperative concerns and postoperative concerns, and if your surgery is done by him, then you don’t have to worry about anything.
