Finding the Ways to Be Successful as An Independent Artist

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Being a musician involves creating and playing your creative music, whether you work alone or with a band. Some view it as their ideal career. For some, it serves as a casual creative release. But how do you elevate your music to a professional level in the crazy world of the music busines

Being a musician involves creating and playing your creative music, whether you work alone or with a band. Some view it as their ideal career. For some, it serves as a casual creative release. But how do you elevate your music to a professional level in the crazy world of the music business? If you're lucky, a chance or a good break might come your way. To increase your success chances, you must build the groundwork independently.

The following is a compilation of our personal experiences and suggestions for aspiring artists:


1.     Show creativity in writing

Always keep writing new songs, whether you're just starting or you've previously created a couple. Fresh ideas are the most stimulating, and creating a demo content library should be on your list.

Instead of hurrying to finish it, give yourself plenty of time to create and review your work. Move on, but only partially throw out an idea if you need help finishing it or aren't feeling it. You might discover that there are still powerful components in your thoughts that you might employ in the future.


2.     Practice as much as you can

It's imperative to practice if you wish to pursue a profession in music. No of what level of skill you now possess, focused practice will keep you constantly challenged. You can solve problems and try new things by practicing songs and techniques. Making sure you meet up frequently if you're in a band is also crucial.


3.     Perform Gigs

You've now perfected your songs and practiced them to the point where you know them inside and out. Gigging is undoubtedly in order now! Nothing compares to performing live with your music. The idea could initially seem intimidating, but as you complete your songs in front of audiences more frequently, you get much more at ease.


4.     Make a good impression

You must be a master at networking if you are an independent artist. Even though a link seems unimportant at the time, it could lead to an opportunity later on. Make sure your network by attending events and interacting with individuals in person. Being polite to everyone you encounter in the workplace is crucial.


5.     Social Media

Nowadays, it seems impossible to avoid social media, but you should always appreciate its potential to raise your brand’s reputation. It offers a platform to express yourself to your audience and share your songs rapidly.

Several artists have acquired the tool of social media to overcome the challenge of attracting an audience. Aspiring artist Anna Thompson has managed to gain popularity with social media.

Her debut single, "Get Me High," wasn't supposed to appear on the EP. "I recorded myself singing "Get Me High," and because I found my mistakes amusing, I uploaded the video on Tik Tok. Much to my surprise, it became popular online". As fans began clamoring to hear the whole song, she texted Jake Crocker, a producer in Seattle whom she had met online. Together, they entered the studio and BOOM! It became an instant hit. 

Like other people her age, Anna's career has benefited greatly from social media. She posted the single "Telepathically" (made by Fluencie & Swshr) on Tik Tok after "Get Me High" became popular, and that song also became popular. She is incredibly sociable, and her followers are just as responsive and devoted.

 The rise of Anna shows the impact social media makes in the life of an independent artist. If you plan to succeed as an independent artist, following these steps will take you closer to your dream career.
