One of the standout features of Spring Boot

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One of the standout features of Spring BootOne of the standout features of Spring Boot

Simplified Configuration
One of the standout features of Spring Boot is its simplified configuration model. It uses sensible defaults and auto-configuration, reducing the need for extensive XML or Java-based configuration. Developers can start building an application with minimal setup, and Spring Boot takes care of many configuration details automatically.

This simplicity allows developers to focus on writing business logic rather than dealing with boilerplate configuration code. It also improves the overall  Spring Boot   consistency of Spring-based projects, making it easier for teams to collaborate.

2. Embedded Servers
Spring Boot includes support for embedded web servers such as Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow. This means you can package your application as a standalone JAR file or a WAR file and run it with an embedded server, removing the need for a separate server installation. This approach simplifies deployment and makes your application more portable.

The embedded server is fully configurable, so you can adjust settings to meet your specific requirements. It's an excellent choice for building microservices or lightweight web applications.

