Revolutionizing HR Management in the UAE: The Power of Cloud-Based HR Software

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Revolutionizing HR Management in the UAE: The Power of Cloud-Based HR Software

2023 is almost over. But are you still pondering the thought of adopting cloud HR software in your organization?

Let’s show you some statistics.

94% of companies are using cloud services in 2023. As you have guessed, this massive shift is due to the pandemic. This percentage is actively growing in 2023.

Many organizations are past the point of debating over the value of adopting cloud-based HR software in the UAE. If you haven’t adopted, you are missing out big.

Did you know that the vast majority of UAE employees favor hybrid or a fully remote working model? But to put this working model into practicality, you need cloud HR software to manage your employees better.

But we do understand that, as business owners, you may need more clarity on adopting HR software in the UAE. This is why we have discussed cloud-based HR software in the UAE along with its boons and banes. Now let’s dive in.

Understanding Cloud-based HR Software

Cloud Human Resource (HR) software aids businesses in efficiently overseeing their HR processes and functions. This comprehensive solution encompasses functionalities such as employee onboarding, timekeeping, payroll processing, and performance management. 

Additionally, cloud HR systems frequently provide advanced features for generating reports and conducting in-depth analytics. It also allows you and your HR team to access and manage employee data from anywhere, anytime.

Features of Cloud HR Software:

1. Employee-centralized database

Did you know that having employee information spread across multiple platforms poses a threat to security? The worst part is having physical files.

This is why you need cloud HR software that acts as a centralized database. Here, it maintains employee documentation in one digital space for easy searching and faster auditing. Thus saving HR’s time and effort.

2. Employee self-service

HR teams in any size company are often bombarded with multiple employee requests, which is challenging to handle. HR software with an employee self-service portal can help the HRs save their time and effort.

These portals enable self-service for employees, allowing them to clock in and out, download tax forms, view PTO, and do other tasks directly without having to go through HR.

3. Leave management

This cloud human resource software can efficiently handle and track employee leave requests. Employees can request time off via the software. However, supervisors or managers can approve or deny these requests within the software. It also tracks available leave balances and company-specific leave policies.

4. Expense management

This app lets employees submit and keep track of their company-related expenses. They can easily upload receipts and request reimbursements, and managers can approve these requests through the system.

Thus, it simplifies and streamlines the entire expense tracking and reimbursement process within the HR software platform.

5. Reporting and analytics

Now, creating customized reports and gaining valuable insights from HR data is a breeze. Since it includes tracking employee attendance and understanding turnover rates within your organization, you can assess performance at the individual, team, department, and even company levels.

6. Time tracking

Do you pay your employees or bill clients on an hourly basis? If yes, you will need accurate time tracking. This software lets employees log in and out from anywhere. Now the software can automatically calculate the payment based on the time tracked. Thus, it involves no manual work.

7. Performance management

You don’t have to stick with your old-school ways of reviewing your performance management. Take advantage of the cloud HR software’s interesting metrics to measure your employee’s performance. Since the software can be automated to track employees’ performance, you can accurately and quickly evaluate their work.

Looking for an robust software that can change the future of HR management in your company? Get Infingent Cloud HR software

Advantages of Cloud-Based HR Software in the UAE

1. Enhanced accessibility and flexibility

No more being tied down by physical boundaries because cloud-based HR software sets you free to manage HR tasks smoothly. Whether you are in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or anywhere else in the UAE, this software comes in handy. It lets you access crucial HR data and tools from anywhere with an internet connection.

2. Better data management and security

In a place where data privacy is a big deal, this cloud HR software shields your sensitive HR details. It safeguards sensitive HR information with strong security measures, giving the required data privacy in the region.

With data encryption and access controls, HR professionals can sleep soundly, knowing that they have trusted software that can keep employee information safe and sound while following all the local rules.

3. Scale your business

The UAE is known for its rapidly growing business landscape. Here, we can refer to the cloud HR software as a chameleon that can adapt and adjust to the evolving needs of expanding companies.

Whether your business is hiring more employees or opening new branches, the software can handle the changes without breaking the bank or causing a big fuss.

4. Cost-effectiveness and ROI

One of the best advantages of cloud HR software is that it’s like fresh air. They eliminate the need for extensive on-premises infrastructure and maintenance. Also, you get a decent ROI for your business because there is increased efficiency, reduced paperwork, and improved HR processes.

5. Compliance with the law

Every country, including the UAE, has its own set of laws and regulations. The cloud-based HR software in the UAE helps companies stick to the country’s intricate labor laws and regulations. It provides tools and functions that help organizations ensure their HR practices align with the legal requirements. So, there is no risk of compliance issues or legal complications.

6. Save HR’s precious time

70% of the HR teams spend their time engaging in unproductive admin tasks. By automating these mundane tasks, such as setting up schedules, tracking employee hours, and calculating the payroll for each month, you can save time and also reduce manual errors.

Challenges in Adopting Cloud-Based HR Software

Adopting cloud-based HR software isn’t always a cakewalk. It has its own set of challenges.

1. Security is a concern

There’s no doubt that cloud HR software employs top-notch security protocols, encryption, and access controls to protect sensitive HR data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

But many businesses are reluctant to take HR files and systems to the cloud, as they doubt that their sensitive employee information will get hacked.

Or, what if wrong people get access to certain data within the company? For this, HR team members must be properly trained to use the software better to avoid security issues at all costs.

Choose cloud HR software with data encryption, access controls, multifactor authentication, regular security updates and patches, data backup, disaster recovery, and 24/7 customer support.

2. High dependency on IT support

HRs aren’t data professionals. 

When a new technology is incorporated into an organization, it requires time for understanding and effective use, along with the need for troubleshooting assistance. Also, the interface must be easy to use. The user must not be expected to posses high technical knowledge to use the software.

Besides this, if the software team doesn’t provide tech support the overall productivity and efficiency will be affected. So, check if they have proper customer support to help you out during trouble.

3. Scalability is challenging

Sometimes, this factor hinders the growth of a company. Because adopting cloud HR software is an investment. But if the investment doesn’t align with growth opportunities, it can put the investment at stake.

This is why it’s highly essential to double-check if the software can handle your business’s unique and often-changing needs.

4. Compatibility 

A significant question to ask is: Is cloud HR software compatible with the existing system of cloud-based CRM used by your business?

Check if the software can connect and communicate with other software, tools, and platforms. Only then are effective data sharing, workflow optimization, customization, and improved reporting possible.

5. Ease of use

See, HRs are already as busy as bees. If the new software they are adopting comes with a huge influx of complex features, then they might find it challenging to get well versed in it.

You don’t have to worry about all these concerns with Infinigent’s human resource management tools. With its cutting-edge technology, high security techniques, easy compatible features and simple to use interface, this cloud based HR software in the UAE might be your ideal pick in transforming your business. 

The Future of HR Management in the UAE

UAE, like other countries across the globe, is focusing on improving employees’ working environment. Here, the HR department holds responsibility for driving well-being within an organization.

With that said, some expected HR technology trends, especially the ones that will be integrated into the cloud-based software, are:

The power of AI and ML 

66% of world business leaders and analysts nod a yes to the fact that AI will drive most innovation in almost every industry in the next 5 years.

In 2023, adoption of AI is not a cloud trend, rather it’s a must-have.

AI and ML will greatly help HR managers reduce their workload while also improving overall business productivity further. For example, they can enhance decision-making, automate repetitive tasks, and provide data-driven insights. 

Blockchain integration for enhanced security

Blockchain can influence some HR trends this year. It offers solid security opportunities like the encryption of networks. This feature helps employees and companies to share information securely. Thus, recruiters can verify employee data, including their personal details.

Final Words

In this era where remote work is taking center stage, cloud-based HR software in the UAE is all you need to supercharge your business. Because it provides one big advantage that’s not possible with traditional systems: accessibility from anywhere.

So, you can find this HR software as having the office at your fingertips, allowing you to collaborate with your employees even when miles apart.

Besides this, cloud HR software provides a range of benefits compared to traditional on-premise solutions. These advantages include greater scalability, heightened data security, improved accessibility, enhanced collaboration, and more advanced insights into HR data. In addition, many cloud HR solutions offer strong integrations with third-party software and platforms, enhancing their functionality.

This is why adopting cloud HR software is considered revolutionary in the field of HR management.

