Cone Drop Tester For Geosynthetic (Dynamic Perforation Tester) - (En ISO 13433, Bs 6906)

Tesca - Cone drop tester specifies a method to determine the resistance of Geosynthetics to penetration by a steel cone dropped from a fixed height. The degree of penetration is an indication
of the behavior of the Geosynthetic, when sharp stones are dropped on its surface.
The smaller the hole, the greater the resistance of geosynthetic/ geotextile to damage and vise versa.
The specimen is clamped between two steel rings. A steel cone (45° tip angle, 1000 g) is dropped from a height of 500 mm onto the centre of the specimen. The degree of penetration is measured by insertion of a graduated cone into the hole. Graduated conical measure will be the part of standard supply.

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