I have a deep passion for music. I play no instruments, although I have some interest in the lap steel guitar and the dobro. I have no musical talent as of this writing. I would love to learn the craft of writing music. I hope to achieve this before my life has ended.

My deep passion for music was introduced to me very early in life. I had three older brothers and we all slept in the same bedroom. We were raised in a small two-bedroom house. We had little privacy. My oldest brother had the control of the hi-fi. The rest of us listened. It was the 1950s and rock and roll was hot. I memorized many songs and tried singing them all through the night.

My brothers and I listened to some 78 RPM records and later 45 RPM records. Then came the 33 1/3 LP albums. We played mostly 45s on a stacked, spindled turntable. I believe it was a Westinghouse phonograph. Electric radios and transistor radios were busy in our household. During the years, we collected a sizable room of records.

It wasn't until after I turned 51, in 2004, that I introduced myself to the computer. It was then I bought myself a brand new HP. I didn't enroll in any classes. I didn't have a clue. I taught myself by trial and error.

I was impressed how skillful I became and how quickly I learned. I always had trouble learning by instruction or by manuals. Hands-on training was the only way for me.

When It came time to set up my music library through Windows Media, I was thrilled to death. I have a collection of about 1700 CDs. They all needed to be ripped into Windows Media. This was going to take some time and patience. I completed the task.
